foamcore, mirror, cardboard, black paint, wire, plastic, LED lights, Velcro, wood approx. 12”sq x 96”h

foamcore, mirror, cardboard, black paint, wire, plastic, LED lights, Velcro, wood approx. 12”sq x 96”h

foamcore, mirror, cardboard, black paint, wire, plastic, LED lights, Velcro, wood approx. 12”sq x 96”h

foamcore, mirror, cardboard, black paint, wire, plastic, LED lights, Velcro, wood approx. 12”sq x 96”h

Interior Detail View foamcore, mirror, cardboard, black paint, wire, plastic, LED lights, Velcro, wood approx. 12”sq x 96”h

Interior Detail View foamcore, mirror, cardboard, black paint, wire, plastic, LED lights, Velcro, wood approx. 12”sq x 96”h

Installation View Untitled (Double Tower) on the left and Untitled (Floating Books) on the right

foamcore, mirror, cardboard, paper, invisible thread, wire, plastic, LED lights, Velcro, metal approx. 6”w x 14 ½”h x 60 ½”l

Interior Detail View foamcore, mirror, cardboard, paper, invisible thread, wire, plastic, LED lights, Velcro, metal approx. 6 ”w x 14 ½”h x 60 ½”l

foamcore, mirror, cardboard, wire, plastic, LED lights, Velcro, wood, paint Approx. 9"w x 46"l x 65"h

foamcore, mirror, cardboard, wire, plastic, LED lights, Velcro, wood, paint Approx. 9"w x 46"l x 65"h

foamcore, mirror, cardboard, wire, plastic, LED lights, Velcro, wood, paint Approx. 9"w x 46"l x 65"h

foamcore, mirror, cardboard, wire, plastic, LED lights, Velcro, wood, paint Approx. 9"w x 46"l x 65"h

foamcore, mirror, cardboard, wire, plastic, LED lights, Velcro, wood, paint Approx. 9"w x 46"l x 65"h

foamcore, mirror, cardboard, wire, plastic, LED lights, Velcro, wood, paint Approx. 9"w x 46"l x 65"h